11.23 – Tramway Film Festival, Poland | Official Selection
10.23 – Maqamāt, Egypt | Official Selection
05.23 – Jena Cellu l'art, Germany | Official Selection
12.22 – REC Festival, Czech | Official Selection
06.22 – Basta Fest, Czech | Official Selection
04.22 – Edimotion, Germany | Interview with Svenja Plaas
01.22 – Cinema on the Bayou, USA | Official Selection
11.21 — Film School Fest Munich | Official Selection
11.21 — Aesthetica | Official Selection
10.21 — Reaktor IFF | Best Director
10.21 — Thessaloniki Shorts | Official Selection
10.21 — Nouveau Cinema | Official Selection
06.21 — Desertscape | Official Selection
06.21 — TISFF | Best Screenplay
06.21 — Diagonale | Official Selection
06.21 — Prague Shorts | Official Selection
05.21 — Vienna Shorts | Official Selection
09.20 — First Steps Award | Nomination
07.20 — Karlovy Vary | Future Frames
07.20 — Interview in Cineuropa
06.20 — 100 beste Plakate 19
“The dress is too lavish and the toilet cubicle too small for the bride to fit in. The ballroom is jam-packed and the mood is alarmingly good. Something is about to burst: the groom’s delusion of grandeur? The pregnant belly of deaf betti? Her step-father’s patience? Or the wine-filled bladder of his ex-wife?”
Reality does not have to be gray and cruel. It can also be colorful and cruel. tragedies behind smiling faces and colorful curtains. You just do not see them, or only later, or even too late. That is what I wanted this film to be: sweet candy with a bitter core. A bitter pill that tastes even stronger after all that sugar. Really, really, really bitter. That is Betti’s fate. Bitter is also the picture of Betti’s mother drawn here. She is no role model, she cannot take responsibility, and she is almost never home. Not drawing a black and white picture, “Topfpalmen” asks of the nature of love. Is love a feeling? Is love responsibility? And how much sacrifice does love need?
Tragic Comedy, AT/DE, 20 Min.
Shot on Kodak 16mm film.
Title: Topfpalmen (2020)
Category: Short film
Director: Rosa Friedrich
Production Company: Filmakademie Wien
Producer: Dominic Spitaler
Cast: Maresi Riegner, Henny Reents, Lars Rudolph
Cinematographer: Albert Car
Production Design: Haemmerle | Klamm
Costume Design: Carola Pizzini
Make Up & Hair: Tom Meyr
Casting: Franz Quitt
Editor: Svenja Plaas
Design: Studio Es
Distribution: Travelling